KINGSTON PAST: Rockfort Gardens


In the early months of 1900 there was a great deal of discussion, in the Legislative Council, the Kingston city council and the press, of the
proposed system of transfer tickets on the street car lines; as far as the
Rockfort Gardens  was concerned the main issue was that the trip there
should be only one car fare.

  One of those
much involved
the city council
Dr Robert Love,
a leading

Probably the Kingston Choral Union's first performance at Rockfort Gardens.

Adeline MacDermot
was the leading
soprano of the Kingston Choral Union, a choir
largely made up
of Black Kingstonians.

Henry Nation was a prominent organist and pianist, who performed on many occasions with the popular Kingston Choral Union,
which was frequently on programmes at Rockfort Gardens.
           Daily Gleaner, May 30, 1900
NOTE:  'lime light views' were slides shows, often called magic lantern shows; moving picture shows soon became a part of the entertainments at Rockfort Gardens

Rockfort Gardens in the evening in March 1900

Daily Gleaner, March 8, 1900

The sun sinks into the sea, leaving behind it a blaze of golden-red radiance that flooded the City with its mellow warmth; and which seemed even brighter in contrast with the bank of angry purple rain clouds, that lay behind "Long Mountain," and lowered so forebodingly above the dazzle and glow of the perfect sunset. A soft little breeze played caressingly among the trees, the waves danced in, and rippled upon the beach of "The Gardens;" and an air of melancholy lay over the little resort.

Unusual for the time of day, the gardens were empty, save of men attendant on the "Merry go-round;" and the joyous little waves had the beach all to

themselves, as they raced one another landwards, then spent themselves in

tender kisses on the sand.

     . . . .

The heavy waves burst with a sullen roar on the Palisades beach in the distance; and the sea slowly drew on its sober night mantle of grey; and dusk began to envelope the gardens in that delightful half light, so dear to some, so tantalizing to many.

. . . .

But now the breeze has died away; a fearsome stillness reigns amid the shrubs.

Out in the harbour, the ship's lights gleam and sparkle; and the "soft wash"

of the wavelets, is sad indeed, as they die away on the beach; and only the distant roar of the breakers dashing up on the Palisadoes break the stillness.

other events at Rockfort Gardens in 1900

 Daily Gleaner, February 7, 1900
           Daily Gleaner, March 16, 1900

 Daily Gleaner, September 15, 1900
                      Daily Gleaner, November 6, 1900